Do you ever feel like you're taking two steps forward and one step back?

Or sometimes it feels like two steps forward and ten steps back. As we get stronger and create more stability in our life, it's normal for bigger and bigger feelings to come to the surface.

Real progress is not measured by the presence or absence of difficult thoughts and feelings. Real progress is measured in our increasing ability to step back into witness consciousness, knowing we are not the body and not the mind.

As you cultivate this consciousness, you might find that bigger and more chaotic thoughts and feelings come to the surface. This is natural. You've sent a signal to your nervous system that you have a platform of stability within.

So your nervous system is going to take that signal to start moving out old baggage, because hanging onto it is taxing your system. All you need to do is just watch it pass by and let it go.

I know that's easier said than done sometimes 😉 If you'd like some more help understanding how to process and digest difficult emotions and experiences, so you can move into your natural state of freedom and ease, we can dig into where you're at and how to get you unstuck.

In resilience,



Why women in healing & helping professions are prone to anxiety and panic


Mental Health Awareness Days are making stigma worse, not better.