The mental trait that will take you farther than discipline

We've all heard it before: Mind over matter. Just do it. Tough it out.

And hey, there's a time and a place for that. We need a discipline muscle but if that's the ONLY muscle we have to get through hard times, it's going to give out eventually.

There's another mental muscle that is WAY underused: The curiosity muscle. Curiosity allows you to think creatively about the obstacles in front of you

When we hit a wall, we can either get very disciplined about ramming our head into it repeatedly OR We can get curious and figure out how to scale it

Panic, anxiety and overwhelm can feel like hitting a wall but I promise you there is a way to get creative and get to the other side.

One of my running icons is Courtney Daualter, an ultramarathoner who is known for smashing records at 100 and 200 mile races.
In 2017, she ran 240 miles through the Moab desert in 2 days, 9 hours and 59 minutes and beat the second place finisher by more than 10 hours.
What’s her secret? She performs incredible feats of endurance not by getting disciplined, but by getting curious.
When things start to hurt, she goes to a place in her mind she calls the Pain Cave
Then, she gets curious about how big she can make that cave.
With every step, she imagines chipping away at that cave and making it just a little bit bigger, a little bit roomier. A place where you can hang out and chill, while you run through a desert nonstop for two days.
And by getting curious, she’s doesn’t just smash records, but she does it with a great attitude and a smile on her face.

So let me ask you...
Is there an area of your life where your discipline is running out?
How could you get curious about it instead?

In resilience,


10 years ago, I wondered if I would ever get out of bed again.


3 Steps from fear to flow