7 Easy Steps Out of Procrastination and Overwhelm
If we've experienced overwhelming events in our life, we're likely to overestimate the amount of energy required to meet a challenge and underestimate the amount of energy available to us.
We may also be holding on to a backlog of unexpressed survival energy which can cause havoc in our system and perpetuate a dysregulated cycle of fight-flight-freeze.
Managing this backlog and allowing it to dictate our predictions can lead to a state of collapse that says simply, "I can't."
When we find ourselves here, the quickest way out is to generate new information:
- For a moment, suspend your prediction of what is likely or inevitable
- Define the smallest possible step towards your goal
- Enlist support, feedback, and accountability from any source available
- Just begin. Doesn't matter what the results are - this is success
- Ask yourself, what was easier than you expected? What was harder than you expected? What sucked just as much as you thought it would? What was surprisingly enjoyable or at least not terrible?
- Notice how you feel - in your feet, your hands, your arms, your legs, your belly, your chest.
- Bank it. Good job!