Is this me?

When we're crumbling under the weight of too much to do, the first place we want to look is for unconscious expectations and assumptions.

Chronic stress sends us into survival mode and shuts down the part of our brain responsible for creative thinking. This sends us on a downward spiral as our productivity drops, our work piles up, deadlines get closer and we start to lose perspective and forget that there might be a creative way out of our situation.

If we're in this state over years or even decades, this downward spiral begins to harden into a set of expectations of what we're supposed to be getting accomplished and an assumption about how we have to do it. We start to think "that's just the way the world is."

So one thing we can do to interrupt the cycle is ask simple questions to get back in touch with our curiosity and creativity.

Is this really necessary?
How could this be easier?
How could this be lighter?
What can I give up?
What can I stop doing?

You might hear a little voice in your head saying "All of this is necessary. It can't be easier. It can't be lighter. I can't give this up. I can't stop doing any of this. No one understands what I'm going through. I just need to get it done and stop making excuses. If they really cared they'd get in here and help instead of asking stupid BS questions."

Just notice that little voice. I bet it's there for a reason. I bet it's holding on to some pretty big, difficult feelings. That's ok.

As you notice that little voice, ask yourself, Is this me?

In resilience,


Why forcing a self care routine will always backfire.


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