"How do I know when I've taken on too much?"

This is one of the most persistent questions I've received and that I've asked myself -- as a coach, a friend and a team leader.

I've struggled with how to answer it for someone else, and as the questioner, I finally realized that no one can answer it for me -- and maybe it's not the right question to be asking at all.

Instead, when I start hitting up against a wall, whether it's my energy, my motivation, my skill level or my attitude, I've started asking myself "What's the opportunity here?"

By making this shift, I'm sidestepping the trap of seeing stress as a threat, and automatically shifting into a growth mindset.

Not, "is it too much?" but "what can it teach me?"

Maybe it's teaching me to slow down, or maybe it's teaching me to push through - no one else can answer that for me, and the only way I'm going to know for myself is if I approach the question correctly.

In resilience,



How to get off the stress-management hamster wheel


You don’t need to manage stress…