I’ve tried everything to overcome my anxiety and nothing works

Too many women come to me and say, “I’ve tried everything and nothing works. I think I’m just too broken to fix”

So I ask them to show me their toolbox, and when we open it up, it’s a mess. It’s just a big jumble of tools and - worse - they haven’t even been taught what each particular tool is for. A saw and a hammer are very different things! They’re both necessary for building, but when and how you use them is extremely important.

Knowing what to do isn’t just about collecting random self-care tools. It’s about understanding what you’re trying to build and what stage you’re at.

That’s why we focus not only on equipping you with the best tools, but more importantly teaching you when and how to use them and how to troubleshoot when something’s not working.

It’s not just what you do

It’s when and how you do it

You’ve probably collected a whole bunch of random self care tools over the years

Do you know what they’re for exactly? Do you know what order to use them in?

And most importantly, do you know how to troubleshoot when they don’t work?

If the answer is “not really” then that’s good news

Because it means you’re not broke nor beyond help

You just need a toolbox organizer

You’re trying to build to foundation of safety, stability, peace, confidence, focus and freedom, right?

So, you need a building plan

You need a method to evaluate where you’re at and what you need to do next

Then you need a framework to organize your tools and make them accessible

Right now you have no plan. You don’t know what to do, when and as a result you are hammering when you should be sawing and sawinng when you should be chiseling

No wonder it feels hopeless!

Don’t make this an emotional problem. Make it a practical problem

  • You need a building plan

  • You need a framework

  • You need a toolbox organizer

  • You need troubleshooting skills

All of this is very do-able

In resilience,


3 types of anxiety medication and what they actually do to your brain and body


Did you know it only takes 90 seconds for the hormonal signature of an emotion to move through the body?