What to do when you’re feeling 100% miserable about everything…
What to do when you’re feeling 100% miserable about everything for no good reason (from experience)
1. Take an inventory of all the sensory inputs you've exposed yourself to in the past 24 hours
Our mind is like a digital recorder and projector — it plays back what we put into it. Take a minute to reflect on what you've been feeding your mind and what it's feeding back to you right now.
No judgments. Just notice. Give your mind some additional data to factor in next time it's making decisions and predictions about what you need to do to feel good.
2. Identify things you can feed your mind right now that will put you in a better headspace
For me, that usually means turning on my favorite meditation music putting my feet in the grass, and petting one of the three or four very nosy cats who are always right outside my door.
Tell yourself you can go back and wallow in a minute - just do these few things first, and then see where you're at.
3. Think of a person in your life who might be having a harder time than you right now. Think of things you can do to help reach out or inspire them in some way.
Reaching out and helping others activates a whole set of dormant neural circuits that counteract collapsed, helpless feelings that can be almost impossible to break in other ways.
We’re built to give and there is always someone who needs your help, no matter how miserable, broken, or empty you feel.
Each of us is a spark of life immutably connected with every other spark of life and when we extend our hand to another person for no good reason other than just because, we feel that.
It works, trust me. I feel better already 😉